Though it was hot yesterday, we went out all the same. 可否變成Hot though it was yesterday, we went out all the same.若第二種用法可行 請問適合用在作文裡嗎 賴韋翰
Charles Wang 2015-06-14 10:58:14
Though it was hot yesterday, we went out all the same. (spoken English)=Hot as it may be yesterday, we went out all the same. (written English)The adjective “hot” could be inverted to the beginning of the sentence for the purpose of emphasizing high temperature.
Michael Wen 2015-06-14 14:36:17
英文的假設句跟倒裝句有很正規的文法,但我建議用最簡單明瞭的:Althought it was hot yesterday, we went out."all the same" 是多餘的
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