圖文不符 的英文怎麼說
A: Look at Angela's FB wall. She posted a photo with a totally unrelated message.
B: People do that all the time. They are just trying to show off without being too direct about it.
B: People do that all the time. They are just trying to show off without being too direct about it.
[1] post a photo with a totally unrelated message[2] the fact that the message has nothing to do with the photo
圖文不符 = post a photo with a totally unrelated message = post a note with a totally unrelated picture
photo 跟 picture 可互換,message 跟 note 可互換。
有些人以為圖文不符的英文是 ninja boasting photos,但此英文並不常用,而且意思是假藉圖文不符的PO文來偽裝自己的虛榮心,例如想炫耀自己有很多名牌包,就PO一張有很多名牌包的照片,再寫些不相關的文句。
圖文不符 = post a photo with a totally unrelated message = post a note with a totally unrelated picture
photo 跟 picture 可互換,message 跟 note 可互換。
有些人以為圖文不符的英文是 ninja boasting photos,但此英文並不常用,而且意思是假藉圖文不符的PO文來偽裝自己的虛榮心,例如想炫耀自己有很多名牌包,就PO一張有很多名牌包的照片,再寫些不相關的文句。
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
膝蓋破皮的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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