Michael, 請教:Miss Lee天生就是衣架子怎麼翻譯(意思是指她穿什麼衣服都好看),以上,謝謝~
..by Phil Ku
Charles Wang 2015-07-05 05:45:58
Michael,For this sentence can we say “Miss Lee is really a born clothes hanger, looking pretty in any dresses.”?
Michael Wen 2015-07-06 11:34:39
她是天生的衣架子 = She looks good in anything.
Michael Wen 2015-07-06 11:35:32
Charles Wang There's no such expression as "a born clothes hanger". Some may understand but others won't. Thanks for your answer!
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有別於牛仔布給人粗曠的刻板印象,嚴選手感細緻柔軟的法蘭絨,帶出都會女性雅緻的穿著品味。 (請填空)
In contrast to the rugged impression of denim, the carefully selected flannel fabric features a deliate, soft texture. Flannel brings out a city woman's delicate taste in clothes.
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