各位是否覺得常聽到 Let me put it in perspective for you 卻不知道是甚麼意思? 字典也查不到,網路上也沒人知道? 讓中英物語與你分享 Let me put it i...
各位是否覺得常聽到 Let me put it in perspective for you 卻不知道是甚麼意思? 字典也查不到,網路上也沒人知道? 讓中英物語與你分享 Let me put it in perspective for you 的正確意思。
如果我跟你說 DNA 裡的資料極度龐大,你也許還是不了解有多大,如果我繼續說,一克的 DNA 裡含的信息約等於一萬億張 CD 光碟片,你就更能明白 DNA 裡面的訊息的龐大了。
DNA stores a huge amount of information. To put it in perspective for you, one miligram of DNA stores as much information as about one trillion CD discs.
也就是說,Let me put it in perspective for you 的意思就是讓我用跟你相關的周遭事物來做比較,用你聽得懂的語言來客觀的解釋一件事情,這樣子的解釋通常會引用類似法連結你較熟悉的事物。
Do you know how much my ex-husband has hurt me? Let me put it in perspective for you. I have been waking up with tears in my eyes every day for the past ten years. Can you imagine how deeply I have been hurt?
讀更多如果我跟你說 DNA 裡的資料極度龐大,你也許還是不了解有多大,如果我繼續說,一克的 DNA 裡含的信息約等於一萬億張 CD 光碟片,你就更能明白 DNA 裡面的訊息的龐大了。
DNA stores a huge amount of information. To put it in perspective for you, one miligram of DNA stores as much information as about one trillion CD discs.
也就是說,Let me put it in perspective for you 的意思就是讓我用跟你相關的周遭事物來做比較,用你聽得懂的語言來客觀的解釋一件事情,這樣子的解釋通常會引用類似法連結你較熟悉的事物。
Do you know how much my ex-husband has hurt me? Let me put it in perspective for you. I have been waking up with tears in my eyes every day for the past ten years. Can you imagine how deeply I have been hurt?