一次 的英文怎么说
- How many chin ups can you do in/at one sitting?
- I enjoyed the Bible so much that I read it all in one sitting.
- How many sit ups can you do in/at one go?
- I've been to Italy once. It was beautiful.
[1] in/at one sitting
in/at one go[2] once
one time
in/at one go[2] once
one time
in one sitting 非常貼切常用,例如:
How many chin ups can you do in one sitting? = 你可以一次連續做幾次引體向上?
I read the book in one go = 我一次就把書全部讀完了
in one sitting 跟 in one go 是一樣的意思。
I've been to Italy once. = 我去過義大利一次
How many chin ups can you do in one sitting? = 你可以一次連續做幾次引體向上?
I read the book in one go = 我一次就把書全部讀完了
in one sitting 跟 in one go 是一樣的意思。
I've been to Italy once. = 我去過義大利一次
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
學姊的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 復發 f我要發問填空題
他包圍我了,掩護我。 (請填空)
He's got me cornered. Cove me.
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