不被看好的一方 的英文怎么说
A: Which team do you think will win the championship game, the Lakers or the Warriors?
B: I think the Warriors is stronger than the Lakers. So my bet is on the Warriors.
A: We are on the same page. I feel the Lakers are the underdog in the game.
B: Maybe they'll come back strong in the next season. We'll see.
B: I think the Warriors is stronger than the Lakers. So my bet is on the Warriors.
A: We are on the same page. I feel the Lakers are the underdog in the game.
B: Maybe they'll come back strong in the next season. We'll see.
underdog = 大部分人覺得在比賽中會輸的人或隊伍,也就是不被看好的一方
這場比賽我不看好湖人隊 = 這場比賽湖人隊不被我看好 = I feel the Lakers are the underdog in the game.
這場比賽我不看好湖人隊 = 這場比賽湖人隊不被我看好 = I feel the Lakers are the underdog in the game.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
風度的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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