偏僻 的英文怎么说
- A: Wow, this place is in the middle of nowhere. I can't wait to go home.
B: C'mon, it is the perfect paradise if you want to get away from the urban life for a while. - Although this restaurant is in the middle of nowhere, it is very popular because of its delicious dishes.
- Although this is an out-of-the-way restaurant it is very popular because of its delicious dishes.
- This is a beautiful suburban park.
- This remotely located restaurant is bursting with mysterious culinary secrets.
- This remotely located house is where the murder occurred.
- Remotely located in the outskirts of the city, the town is a major commercial center for the economy.
[1] in the middle of nowhere
out-of-the-way[2] remote
suburban[3] remotely located[4] a rural area
out-of-the-way[2] remote
suburban[3] remotely located[4] a rural area
in the middle of nowhere = out-of-the-way = 離城市很遠,人煙稀少 = 荒郊野外、偏僻的地方 = 很鄉下、很荒涼、沒什麼人的地方
suburban 是在郊區的意思,比城市偏僻,但又比 in the middle of nowhere 人多。
suburban 是在郊區的意思,比城市偏僻,但又比 in the middle of nowhere 人多。
一個偏僻的公園 這個偏僻的房子給人一種恐怖的感覺.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
隙縫跟角落的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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落後國家中很多人住在不衛生的生活環境裡。 (請填空)
Many people in third world countries are living in unsaniary conditions.
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