入境隨俗 的英文怎麼說
- Some adults have more difficulty adjusting to the new environment than children because kids adapt to a new way of life much more quickly.
- When you move to a new country, you should adapt to their environment and customs.
- When you move to a new place, assimilating is the key to living comfortably and happily.
- A: I don't like having to tip at a restaurant.
B: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. We'll be returning to our home country next month anyway.
[1] adjust to the new environment[2] adapt to the new environment[3] assimilate[4] When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
白話翻譯即可,adjust 跟 adapt 都很好用。
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 很常縮寫成 When in Rome.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 很常縮寫成 When in Rome.
甲: 我真不喜歡在餐廳吃飯還要給小費.
乙: 入境隨俗囉, 反正下個月我們就回國了.
乙: 入境隨俗囉, 反正下個月我們就回國了.
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
攪拌的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 機場地勤人員 f我要發問填空題
當我問他路的時候他對我傻笑了一下。 (請填空)
When I asked him for directions, he gave me a gofy smile.
下一題 - 學妹