公德心 的英文怎麼說
公德心的英文例句 The health center urged those who are sick to be socially responsible. They should put on a face ma... The health center urged those who are sick to be socially responsible. They should put on a face mask to prevent germs from spreading. A public-spirited person tries to help the community that they belong to and is interested in improving the public welfare. He is socially responsible - he never litters in public places. A : Hey pick up after your dog, will you? Be considerate of others.B : Sorry.She presents ethical consideration in public - she never litters. 讀更多 公德心的相關詞 公德心的英文翻譯 [1] (adjective) socially responsible ...
(adjective) socially responsible
thoughtful to others
considerate of others
(noun) public spirit
public mindedness
concern for others
[3] to present ethical consideration in public
公德心的英文翻譯解釋 socially responsible 形容一個人有社會責任,也就是公德心的意...
socially responsible 形容一個人有社會責任,也就是公德心的意思,例如有公德心的人生病時外出會戴口罩,避免傳染他人。 public-spirited 跟 public-minded 是正統的美語說法,意思是對於大眾福利很感興趣的人,也很願意為了社區跟大眾服務,public-spirited 較常用。 當然也可以用 be considerate of others 或 be thoughtful to others 形容對別人體貼。 發揮公德心 = to present ethical consideration in public
公德心的部分中譯 他很有公德心, 從不亂丟垃圾.
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擦桌子 的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
Ever since I was little, ...
wipe the table
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她一直撥弄著頭髮展現她的魅力。 (請填空)
To show her ch rms, she kept running her fingers through her hair.
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