刻意 的英文怎麼說
- A: Why did you guys lose? You are so much better than your opponent.
B: We totally meant for it to happen because if we lose, we get a huge lump sum of money in return.
A: Isn't that cheating and unethical? - B: Blow me.
- The team lost the game on purpose because the winning team would give them a large sum of money in exchange. The defeat was planned.
- The news said that the Malaysian plane shot down in eastern Ukraine was a deliberate act carried out to discredit Ukrainian people who resist capitalism.
- After the police investigation, the manslaughter was actually a premeditated murder.
[1] to mean (for something to happen)[2] on purpose[3] planned[4] deliberate[5] premeditated
We meant for it to happen = 我們故意讓某事發生的
We meant for it to happen = 我們故意讓某事發生的
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
牛排幾分熟的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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有別於牛仔布給人粗曠的刻板印象,嚴選手感細緻柔軟的法蘭絨,帶出都會女性雅緻的穿著品味。 (請填空)
In contrast to the rugged impressin of denim, the carefully selected flannel fabric features a delicate, soft texture. Flannel brings out a city woman's delicate taste in clothes.
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