加油打氣 的英文怎么说
- In the race, my mom kept screaming, "Go Michael!"; it felt good but a bit embarrassing.
- The whole city came out to cheer for their football team in the championship game.
- I was watching a soccer game with a friend and the team he was rooting for was down by one point...
- A: I gotta leave now. I'll leave the rest of the work to you. Please work hard.
B: Got it. Goodbye. - You words really cheered me up. Thank you.
- A: I'll be playing in the basketball game tomorrow.
B: Great! I'll be there to cheer you on. - I always cheer on the team that is losing at the moment because I enjoy watching a losing team turn around the game and win.
- I root for Team Blue because they always work hard.
- A: I'll be performing tonight.
B: Good luck with the performance. or Break a leg. - A: I am still working on this gigantic report.
B: Hang in there. You are doing great! - A: I got an A on my math test.
B: Keep it up! - Wow, the robot model you are building looks great. Keep up the good work!
- The fans are rooting for their teams.
- The spectators are cheering on the runners in the marathon.
- My mother was sitting next to me, supporting me as I was working on my paper.
- Son: I am preparing for tomorrow's big exam.
Father: Hang in there. You can do it! - A: My girlfriend is treating me badly.
B: All relationships go through rough times. Hang in there and things will work out! - Go Jeremy! We are rooting for you!
- A: I like her. I want to ask her out.
B: Go for it! - The math homework is easy. Don't worry. You can do it!
- I heard you failed your test. Keep your chin up. Work harder next time.
- Good luck! I hope you will ace the math exam.
- A sports coach may give their team a pep talk and encourage them to "go get them," which means "do your best in winning the game."
- A sales manager may encourage their staff to "go get them," meaning to work hard and make a lot of sales.
- The chef has had a rough couple of days and the written compliments from his customers really help lift his spirits.
[1] Go Michael![2] Please work hard.[3] lift one's spirits
cheer one up[4] Keep it up.[5] Keep up the good work![6] root for somebody; cheer for somebody; cheer on
support[7] Good luck.[8] Hang in there.[9] Don't give up.
You can do it.
You are almost there.
You are almost done.
Do your best.[10] Go for it![11] pep talk[12] Don't worry.
No sweat.[13] I am on your side.
I am with you.[14] I have your back.[15] Keep your chin up.[16] cheer on (a team)
root for (a team)[17] Go get them.
cheer one up[4] Keep it up.[5] Keep up the good work![6] root for somebody; cheer for somebody; cheer on
support[7] Good luck.[8] Hang in there.[9] Don't give up.
You can do it.
You are almost there.
You are almost done.
Do your best.[10] Go for it![11] pep talk[12] Don't worry.
No sweat.[13] I am on your side.
I am with you.[14] I have your back.[15] Keep your chin up.[16] cheer on (a team)
root for (a team)[17] Go get them.
I am rooting for you. = I am pulling for you. = 加油! 我支持你! 可用在任何需要加油的情況,例如:
I am rooting for you to get that promotion. = 我為你加油,希望你升官!
Go Michael! = 加油,Michael!
You can do it! = 加油!你能做到的!
lift his spirits = cheer him up = 給他加油打氣,讓他心情變好或豁然開朗
cheer for/on 跟 root for 都指替某人或某隊伍加油,通常會用歡呼的聲音來加油。也可以指替某團體或隊伍加油打氣的意思,通常是在公眾場合做這件事情,例如在球場上球迷為自己喜歡的隊伍加油,如:
The players and the coach are cheering on the batter, supporting the batter vocally.
We are cheering for you = 我們為你歡呼,幫你加油!
對一個人說「加油!」的最好的翻譯之一就是 Keep it up. 或 Keep up the good work. 或 Hang in there.。都有勉勵人的意思,但得依照各種情況翻譯,例如孩子在寫功課,父親可以鼓勵他說 Hang in there. You are almost done.,但有時候卻不會這麼說,例如有人跟你說「我今晚會公開演出」,你不能說 Keep it up.,而會說 Good luck. 或 Break a leg.,所以得依情況翻譯。
Good luck 雖表面上的意思為 "祝你幸運",實際上也就表示我為你加油。
Hang in there = 撐著點,用在對方已經在做某件事情,並持續當中
當孩子考試成績很好,你可以說 keep it up 或 keep up the good work 表示對孩子的鼓勵跟打氣。
Cheer up! 是安慰難過的人所用的英文
鼓勵人做某事 = Go for it!
pep talk 指打氣的話。
「加油打氣」也可用白話翻譯,例如鼓勵人別放棄就可說 Don't give up.
Don't worry = No sweat = 別擔心,加油!
I have faith in you = 我對你有信心,加油!
I am on your side = I am with you = 我支持你或我挺你
I have your back = 我支持你或願意在別人面前捍衛你
Keep your chin up = 別灰心或別氣餒,加油!
Go get them = Go get 'em = 鼓勵對方的話,有加油的感覺
I am rooting for you. = I am pulling for you. = 加油! 我支持你! 可用在任何需要加油的情況,例如:
I am rooting for you to get that promotion. = 我為你加油,希望你升官!
Go Michael! = 加油,Michael!
You can do it! = 加油!你能做到的!
lift his spirits = cheer him up = 給他加油打氣,讓他心情變好或豁然開朗
cheer for/on 跟 root for 都指替某人或某隊伍加油,通常會用歡呼的聲音來加油。也可以指替某團體或隊伍加油打氣的意思,通常是在公眾場合做這件事情,例如在球場上球迷為自己喜歡的隊伍加油,如:
The players and the coach are cheering on the batter, supporting the batter vocally.
We are cheering for you = 我們為你歡呼,幫你加油!
對一個人說「加油!」的最好的翻譯之一就是 Keep it up. 或 Keep up the good work. 或 Hang in there.。都有勉勵人的意思,但得依照各種情況翻譯,例如孩子在寫功課,父親可以鼓勵他說 Hang in there. You are almost done.,但有時候卻不會這麼說,例如有人跟你說「我今晚會公開演出」,你不能說 Keep it up.,而會說 Good luck. 或 Break a leg.,所以得依情況翻譯。
Good luck 雖表面上的意思為 "祝你幸運",實際上也就表示我為你加油。
Hang in there = 撐著點,用在對方已經在做某件事情,並持續當中
當孩子考試成績很好,你可以說 keep it up 或 keep up the good work 表示對孩子的鼓勵跟打氣。
Cheer up! 是安慰難過的人所用的英文
鼓勵人做某事 = Go for it!
pep talk 指打氣的話。
「加油打氣」也可用白話翻譯,例如鼓勵人別放棄就可說 Don't give up.
Don't worry = No sweat = 別擔心,加油!
I have faith in you = 我對你有信心,加油!
I am on your side = I am with you = 我支持你或我挺你
I have your back = 我支持你或願意在別人面前捍衛你
Keep your chin up = 別灰心或別氣餒,加油!
Go get them = Go get 'em = 鼓勵對方的話,有加油的感覺
- 這些粉絲們替自己的隊伍加油.
- 大家為所有的馬拉松選手加油.
- 當我在建造工業模型時, 她坐在我的身旁, 默默的替我加油打氣.
- 兒子: 我正在準備明天的大考試.
父親: 加油!
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
放開了的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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He excels on all fronts, putting the rest of us o shame.
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