反省 的英文怎麼說
- A: My boyfriend's mother is not nice to me, but my boyfriend does not stand up for me.
B: Perhaps you should reflect on yourself and see if it's your fault. - I did some soul searching and realized I was the one at fault.
- After having an argument with my wife I reflected on what I said and realized it was my fault. I apologized to my wife and she forgave me.
- Why do you always blame others instead of examine yourself?
- I hope you can carefully think about what you did wrong.
[1] reflect on oneself[2] reflect on something[3] do some soul searching[4] examine oneself[5] think about what one did wrong[6] learn the lesson
reflect on oneself 跟 do some soul searching 都非常普遍,就是反省自己的行為。
reflect on something 指仔細檢討某事情,如:
I reflected on what I've learned in my twenty years of life and came to the conclusion that I have learned nothing.
reflect on something 指仔細檢討某事情,如:
I reflected on what I've learned in my twenty years of life and came to the conclusion that I have learned nothing.
- 我自我反省了一下, 發現錯的人是我.
- 為什麼凡事你老愛怪別人不自己檢討一下呢?
- 我希望你能好好反省你的錯.
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
說話直接的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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