報仇 的英文怎么说
- A: Will you get even with your friend who betrayed you?
B: No I won't. I don't believe in payback. - He avenged his father's death on his uncle because his uncle had killed his father.
- She had killed my dad. So I took revenge on her.
- You shouldn't retaliate against your colleague for reporting a problem you have.
- He responded to my criticisms tit for tat.
- A: I know he spilled your soup, but you don't have to spill his!
B: An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth. - She didn't call me yesterday; so I got back at her by not calling her today, and we broke up.
[1] take revenge; revenge; avenge[2] retaliate[3] tit for tat[4] An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.[5] Get back at somebody; get somebody back[6] get even
get even 是最廣泛也最簡單的說法。以下針對 revenge, avenge, vengeance 做詳細的說明。
revenge 最常當名詞使用,如以下:
I will take revenge on him for stealing my girlfriend. 我要對他報仇,因為他偷了我的女友
I will get revenge on him for stealing my girlfriend. 我要對他報仇,因為他偷了我的女友
A told B to take revenge for him by killing C. A 請 B 殺了 C 來為 A 報仇
He took revenge for his father's death on his uncle. 他為了父親的死向叔叔報仇
注意,要說「向」誰報仇,英文用 on. 如果不需要說向誰報仇,也可以省略 on,如以下:
I will get revenge.
I will take revenge.
revenge 很少當作動詞使用,如以下:
I will revenge myself on him in the most bloody way. 我要向他報仇
avenge 永遠都當動詞使用,如以下:
He avenged his father's death on his uncle. 他為了父親的死向叔叔報仇
vengeance 永遠都當名詞使用,如以下:
He planned to take/wreak vengeance on her for the bad things she had done to him.
[1]有程度較嚴重的意思, 不像其它可以形容比較輕微的事件. [4]是正統的美國成語, 可用在很多不同的情況. [5]最普遍, 通常指人跟人之間的互動的以牙還牙. get him back 可指將他奪回, 也可指向他報復, 必須看上下文. [6]通常程度輕微.
revenge 最常當名詞使用,如以下:
I will take revenge on him for stealing my girlfriend. 我要對他報仇,因為他偷了我的女友
I will get revenge on him for stealing my girlfriend. 我要對他報仇,因為他偷了我的女友
A told B to take revenge for him by killing C. A 請 B 殺了 C 來為 A 報仇
He took revenge for his father's death on his uncle. 他為了父親的死向叔叔報仇
注意,要說「向」誰報仇,英文用 on. 如果不需要說向誰報仇,也可以省略 on,如以下:
I will get revenge.
I will take revenge.
revenge 很少當作動詞使用,如以下:
I will revenge myself on him in the most bloody way. 我要向他報仇
avenge 永遠都當動詞使用,如以下:
He avenged his father's death on his uncle. 他為了父親的死向叔叔報仇
vengeance 永遠都當名詞使用,如以下:
He planned to take/wreak vengeance on her for the bad things she had done to him.
[1]有程度較嚴重的意思, 不像其它可以形容比較輕微的事件. [4]是正統的美國成語, 可用在很多不同的情況. [5]最普遍, 通常指人跟人之間的互動的以牙還牙. get him back 可指將他奪回, 也可指向他報復, 必須看上下文. [6]通常程度輕微.
- 他為父親被暗殺像叔叔報仇.
- 你不應該因為你的同事報告你的問題而報仇.
- 他以牙還牙地回應我的批評.
- 甲:我知道他打翻你的湯,可是你也不必打翻他的吧.
乙:這就叫做以其人之道還治其人之身. - 她昨天沒打給我, 所以今天換我不打給她, 結果我們吹了.
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