報廢 的英文怎麼說
- A: There are many useless materials in our stock. Should we scrap them?
B: Yes. Once the finance team is done writing them off as a loss, we'll scrap them. - A: Their profits are weakening due to loan write-offs.
B: Why?
A: Because their debtors went bankrupt and couldn't pay off the loan. - write off a bad loan
[1] to scrap[2] write-off[3] to write off
to scrap = 實體物品的報廢,例如把公司的庫存的呆料給報廢,也就是丟掉或賣掉的意思
write-off 跟 to write off 指財務上的報廢,例如呆帳收不回來,只好打消呆帳或沖銷。
write off a bad loan = 沖銷收不回的呆帳
例如 A 借 B 錢,但到了該還款時,B 無法還款,那麼 A 就必須 write off a bad loan。
write-off 跟 to write off 指財務上的報廢,例如呆帳收不回來,只好打消呆帳或沖銷。
write off a bad loan = 沖銷收不回的呆帳
例如 A 借 B 錢,但到了該還款時,B 無法還款,那麼 A 就必須 write off a bad loan。
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
中意的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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