大方 的英文怎麼說
大方的英文例句 I like this girl. She's very natural and communicative. A : I don't want to go dancing.B : Open... I like this girl. She's very natural and communicative. A : I don't want to go dancing.B : Open up yourself a little. Dancing is not hard to learn.A : Let's go sky diving.B : Sounds good.A : Wow you are a good sport! Most people would not go.Nowadays girls are much more assertive and open than they were decades ago. Many of them would chase guys romantically. Be confident when people are taking your pictures. Don't be shy. 讀更多 大方的相關詞 大方的英文翻譯 [1] generous
[2] natural
[3] open; open
... [1] generous
[2] natural
[3] open; open up
[4] sociable, social
[5] a good sport
[6] open; assertive; self-assured; confident
[7] aggressive
大方的英文翻譯解釋 [1]指慷慨, [2]指態度自然不害羞, [3]有開放的感覺. [4]形容很會社...
[1]指慷慨, [2]指態度自然不害羞, [3]有開放的感覺. [4]形容很會社交. [5]形容當一群人說要做什麼的時候你都會支持. [6]形容個性開放的樣子, 常有信心的意思, 譬如?現在的女生比以前大方主動許多.
大方的部分中譯 我喜歡這個女生, 她很大方也很健談. 甲: 我不想去跳舞. 乙: 你應該大方... 我喜歡這個女生, 她很大方也很健談. 甲: 我不想去跳舞. 乙: 你應該大方點, 跳舞不難 甲: 我們去高空跳傘吧. 乙: 好主意. 甲: 哇你真大方, 大部分人都不願意. 現在的女生比以前的大方多了; 很多女生會主動追求男生. 照像要大方不要小氣. 讀更多
eTalking 線上英語學習
疾病管制署 的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
can do anything; capable of everything
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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這是一個連環問題: 燃燒石油導致二氧化碳增加,二氧化碳增加導致溫室效應,溫室效應導致冰層融化、海平面上升。 (請填空)
This is a chain of problems. Burning oil leads to increase in carbon dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect, which leads to melti g of glaciers, which leads to rising sea levels.
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