心得報告 的英文怎麼說
- Son: Mr. Smith asked us to read the Bible and write a report on how we feel about the Bible. The report is due in one month.
Mom: Mr. Smith must be a wise man. You'd better get started now. I'll read the Bible with you.
Son: Thanks, mom. - A book report shows how well you understand the book and your thoughts on the book.
[1] a report on how we feel about something[2] a report on our thoughts about something
讀書心得報告 = book report
a book report on Predictably Irrational = 閱讀 Predictably Irrational 後的閱讀心得報告
This report is written by Michael. = 此報告為 Michael 所寫
Organized and written by Michael = 資料統整為 Michael 所做
a book report on Predictably Irrational = 閱讀 Predictably Irrational 後的閱讀心得報告
This report is written by Michael. = 此報告為 Michael 所寫
Organized and written by Michael = 資料統整為 Michael 所做
- 看了這篇文章新聞有什麼感想?
- 有什麼心得嗎?
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
先發制人的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 畫素低 f我要發問填空題
Smith 先生宣誓就職成為非洲的新財政部部長。 (請填空)
Mr. Smith has been swon in as Africa's new Minister of Finance.
下一題 - 歷史性的一刻