忽視 的英文怎麼說
忽視的英文例句 A : There's this girl I like in class, but she keeps ignoring me.B : Maybe you should focus on y... A : There's this girl I like in class, but she keeps ignoring me.B : Maybe you should focus on your studies, not girls.A : You are right.I overlooked a misspelling in my essay and ended up getting an A minus on it. The mistake is an oversight on my part. I'll take full responsibility for it. Our janitor neglected his duty on the day the robbers broke into the school. The janitor was fired immediately. Companies making artificial sweeteners gloss over in their ads the fact that they have no nutritional value. Although her film was nominated for an Oscar, she herself was overlooked as the best director. Some governments tend to gloss over important global issues because they are too complicated. If you gloss over a mistake, an issue or an embarrassing situation, you make it seem less important by ignoring it or by handling it very quickly. 讀更多 忽視的相關詞 忽視的同義詞 忽視的英文翻譯 [1] ignore
[2] overlook
[3] neglect
... [1] ignore
[2] overlook
[3] neglect
[4] oversight
[5] to gloss over
忽視的英文翻譯解釋 overlook 常用在或略了一個小錯誤,neglect 常用在忽視了一項任務或...
overlook 常用在或略了一個小錯誤,neglect 常用在忽視了一項任務或工作,沒有把此工作做好。 ignore = 不予理會,也有忽視或忽略的意思,但這得看你把 "忽視" 用在哪裡,例如在以下情況,就不能用 ignore: neglected his duty overlooked a mistake ignore 常常用在不理會某個人或某件事,也可用在忽視某人的存在,如: My husband keeps ignoring me. I am tired of my marriage. gloss over 是「忽略」很好的英文片語,也就是把事情隱瞞起來或輕描淡寫的意思,例如例句所說的,賣代糖公司會輕描淡寫代糖沒有任何營養的事實。 overlook 還有「被忽略」的意思,例如例句中的導演的影片得到奧斯卡獎的提名,自己卻被忽略,沒有被提名為最好的導演。
eTalking 線上英語學習
退款 的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
He will stop at nothing to ...
get a refund for something
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有別於牛仔布給人粗曠的刻板印象,嚴選手感細緻柔軟的法蘭絨,帶出都會女性雅緻的穿著品味。 (請填空)
In contrast to the rugged impression of denim, the carefully selected flannel fabric features a delicate, soft texture. Flannel brings out a city woman's de icate taste in clothes.
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