意見一致 的英文怎麼說
A: I don't think we should be having the year-end party this year considering we are not doing well financially due to the outbreak of the virus.
B: Me too. Glad we are on the same page.
A: Great. Let's cancel it this year.
B: If we are going to pull through this crisis, everyone in the office has to be on the same page about what our top priorities are.
B: Me too. Glad we are on the same page.
A: Great. Let's cancel it this year.
B: If we are going to pull through this crisis, everyone in the office has to be on the same page about what our top priorities are.
be on the same page
達成共識 = on the same page = to have the same ideas as each other
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
塑膠袋的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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有別於牛仔布給人粗曠的刻板印象,嚴選手感細緻柔軟的法蘭絨,帶出都會女性雅緻的穿著品味。 (請填空)
In contrast to the rugged impression of denim, the carefully selected flannel fabric features a elicate, soft texture. Flannel brings out a city woman's delicate taste in clothes.
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