慢熱 的英文怎麼說
- My dog is a slow-to-warm up dog. He gets uneasy around small children, but with time they will warm up to him.
- My dance partner is a shy, slow-to-warm-up girl. After I had a dance with her she just sat there quietly. I had to constantly bring up new subjects for us to talk about.
- She's not unfriendly, it just takes her a while to warm up to new people.
[1] slow-to-warm-up[2] to take somebody a while to warm up to somebody
slow-to-warm-up 是慢熱型的人或慢熟型的人的最佳翻譯之一,當作形容詞使用。
to take somebody a while to warm up to somebody 則當動詞使用,例如:
It takes her a while to warm up to new people. = 她只是比較慢熱/她只是比較慢熟/她需要一些時間才會開始喜歡別人
to take somebody a while to warm up to somebody 則當動詞使用,例如:
It takes her a while to warm up to new people. = 她只是比較慢熱/她只是比較慢熟/她需要一些時間才會開始喜歡別人
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
接關的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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昨天我兒子在學校賽跑得到最後一名。 (請填空)
My son cae in last in the school race yesterday.
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