插嘴 的英文怎麼說
- I kept telling my cancer-stricken mom she's gonna be fine, but she kept talking over me as if she knew she was dying and had to put her affairs in order. I was devastated.
- I know you guys are talking, but can I interrupt for a moment?
- She kept interrupting our conversation. How annoying.
- She kept interrupting me during my speech.
- While Gloria was telling us her story, Tom kept cutting in on her.
- Please don't cut in while I'm talking with him.
- She cut into our conversation several times.
- As I tried to talk to him, she insisted on butting into our conversation.
- Please don't butt in while I'm talking.
[1] to talk over somebody[2] interrupt[3] cut in
cut into[4] butt in
butt into
cut into[4] butt in
butt into
to talk over somebody = 打斷某人,比較口語但非常貼切
interrupt 普遍又好用,又很簡單,例如:
interrupt our conversation = 插嘴,打斷正在講話的我們
interrupt me = 插嘴,打斷正在講話的我
interrupt 普遍又好用,又很簡單,例如:
interrupt our conversation = 插嘴,打斷正在講話的我們
interrupt me = 插嘴,打斷正在講話的我
- 我知道你們在說話, 但我可以打個岔嗎?
- 插嘴別人的談話
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
盪鞦韆的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 魅力 f我要發問填空題
這公司的執行長掏空了公司所有的錢,真是個卑鄙無恥之徒。 (請填空)
The company's CEO embezzled and drained all the company's money. What a despicabe lowlife.
下一題 - 瀏海