星座 的英文怎麼說
星座的英文例句 Is astrological sign at all important in the man of your dreams? A : I am a Gemini. What is your ... Is astrological sign at all important in the man of your dreams? A : I am a Gemini. What is your zodiac sign?B : I am an Aries.A : What is your horoscope sign?B : I don't believe in horoscope.Call me odd but I hate reading about astrology. I'm a Leo and it is truly insane how accurate the astrology is about me. We have a Virgo, a Scorpio, and two Aquarians in our household. 讀更多 星座的相關詞 星座的同義詞 星座的英文翻譯 [1] astrological sign
[2] zodiac sign
... [1] astrological sign
[2] zodiac sign
[3] horoscope star sign
[4] horoscope sign
[5] star sign
[6] sign
星座的英文翻譯解釋 astrological sign, zodiac sign, horoscop...
astrological sign, zodiac sign, horoscope 都指星座 (也稱為黃道十二宮),而 star sign 較不正式, 不過很多人都知道. 我是雙子座 = I am a Gemini. = I am Gemini. 「你的星座是什麼」有以下說法: What is your astrological sign? What is your zodiac sign? What is your horoscope star sign? What is your horoscope sign? What is your star sign? What is your sign? 你是射手座嗎? = Are you a Sagittarius? 水瓶座的人很親切和善 = Aquarians are very friendly people. 十二星座就是以下: 牧羊座(3/21-4/19) = Aries (名詞) 金牛座(4/20-5/20) = Taurus (名詞) 雙子座(5/21-6/20) = Gemini (名詞) 巨蟹座(6/21-7/22) = Cancer (名詞) 獅子座(7/23-8/22) = Leo (名詞) 處女座(8/23-9/22) = Virgo (名詞) 天秤座(9/23-10/22) = Libra (名詞,複數為Librae) 天蠍座(10/23-11/21) = Scorpio (名詞) 射手座(11/22-12/21) = Sagittarius (名詞,另一個名詞的拼法為 Sagittarian) 摩羯座(12/22-1/19) = Capricorn (名詞) 水瓶座(1/20-2/18) = Aquarius (名詞,另一個名詞的拼法為 Aquarian) 雙魚座(2/19-3/20) = Pisces (名詞) 這些英文字也可用來表示此星座的人,而水瓶座的人,可以用 Aquarius 表示或 Aquarian 表示。
星座的部分中譯 你的星座是啥?
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