業績 的英文怎麼說
- There are many ways to increase your sales.
- There are many ways to increase your sales performance.
- There are many ways to increase your sales revenue.
- A: If I reach my sales target this month I will get a large sales bonus.
B: That's great, but are there things other than money you should be concerned about? - That super salesman brings in more than ten percent of the entire company's revenue.
[1] sales[2] sales performance[3] sales revenue[4] sales target
如果我們想說一個銷售人員的業績好我們可說 His sales performance is good.
sales target = 業績目標
revenue = 營業額
sales target = 業績目標
revenue = 營業額
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
陳腐的話的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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