A: Wow your baby girl is so cute. B: Thank you. She is biracial. I am American. My husband is C...
A: Wow your baby girl is so cute. B: Thank you. She is biracial. I am American. My husband is Chinese. A: I heard that a biracial child is smart and beautiful. Seeing is believing.
Biracial actors and actresses are particularly favored in the film industry for their attractive appearances.
Mixed-race kids are often popular in school due to their appealing appearances.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith have two beautiful mixed-race babies.
I am mixed-race = 我是混血兒,如果你是在美國說這句話的,別人會以為你是混白人跟黑人,如果你是在歐洲說這句話的,別人會以為你是混歐洲跟另一個地方。
I am half Asian = 如果你是在美國說這句話的,別人會以為你是混白人跟亞洲人,也就是說,你人在的地點會被假設為你的種族。
I am half Asian half American = 我是亞洲人跟白人的混血
He is mixed. He is a half-blood. (offensive, implies the full-blood is better) He is a half-breed. (offensive, implies the full-breed is better; also, half-breed is worse than half-blood because you use half-breed on animals too) He is multiracial. (implies more than 2 races)
如果一個人混的兩個文化你都知道,也可直接用相對應的詞,如 Chinese American,此詞表示有美國公民身分的中國人。你也可直接說出此混血兒的所有國族,如: