烤食物 的英文怎么说
- I toast a bagel in a toaster.
- I toast a toast in a toaster.
- I bake cakes in an oven.
- I roast beef in an oven.
- I will show you how to barbeque ribs on your barbeque grill.
- I want to take a sauna after I swim.
- I want to sauna after I swim.
[1] to toast[2] to bake[3] to roast[4] to barbeque[5] to sauna
烤土司 = I toast a bagel in a toaster.
烤土司 = I toast a toast in a toaster.
烤蛋糕 = I bake cakes in an oven.
烤牛肉 = I roast beef in an oven.
烤肉 = I will show you how to barbeque ribs on your barbeque grill.
三溫暖烤箱 = I want to take a sauna after I swim. = I want to sauna after I swim.
烤土司 = I toast a toast in a toaster.
烤蛋糕 = I bake cakes in an oven.
烤牛肉 = I roast beef in an oven.
烤肉 = I will show you how to barbeque ribs on your barbeque grill.
三溫暖烤箱 = I want to take a sauna after I swim. = I want to sauna after I swim.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
好聚好散的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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