無理取鬧 的英文怎么说
- My son always acts up at home on Friday asking me to take him somewhere.
- A: What do you do when your children behave willfully?
B: I lock them up in their room until they apologize. - You should always be nice to me however unreasonable I am because I am your wife.
- My girlfriend likes to get angry over petty things. She is very annoying.
- Stop acting like a child, will you?
- Wife: I think you are having an affair.
Husband: That's nonsense. You are crazy. - A: Buy me a car.
B: Don't be stupid. We don't have money. - If you really cannot do it, I won't force you to.
[1] act up[2] behave willfully[3] Unreasonable; stupid[4] be angry over petty or trivial things[5] act like a child[6] crazy; paranoid
act up 跟 behave willfully 是無理取鬧最貼切的翻譯,意思就是我行我素,沒道理的做出令人反感的事情,或調皮搗蛋。
Unreasonable 很普遍,形容非理性的行為. be angry over petty 或 trivial things 指很容易為小事生氣. act like a child 指像小孩子一樣幼稚, 無理取鬧. paranoid 形容一個人很多疑的無理取鬧, paranoid 就是多疑的意思. 有時候白話的翻出即可.
Unreasonable 很普遍,形容非理性的行為. be angry over petty 或 trivial things 指很容易為小事生氣. act like a child 指像小孩子一樣幼稚, 無理取鬧. paranoid 形容一個人很多疑的無理取鬧, paranoid 就是多疑的意思. 有時候白話的翻出即可.
- 我再怎麼無理取鬧, 你也應該忍耐.
- 我女友很喜歡無理取鬧, 真煩.
- 別再無理取鬧了可以嗎?
- 太太: 我覺得你有外遇.
先生: 妳很無理取鬧耶. - 甲: 買車給我.
乙: 別無理取鬧了, 我們哪來的錢. - 如果你真的不能做, 我也不會無理取鬧.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
難道的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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