紅牌 的英文怎麼說
紅牌的英文例句 He's the headliner of this pop song bar. She's the lead singer in this opera. He's the lead perfo... He's the headliner of this pop song bar. She's the lead singer in this opera. He's the lead performance in this live comedy show. In the movie, the main character falls in love with an obese woman because he has been hypnotized to see her inner beauty. The cute, understanding dragon is the star of the movie "My Pet Dragon". 讀更多 紅牌的相關詞 紅牌的同義詞 紅牌的英文翻譯 [1] headliner
[2] lead singer
[3] lead
... [1] headliner
[2] lead singer
[3] lead performer
[4] main character
lead character
leading character
[5] star
紅牌的英文翻譯解釋 headliner = 酒吧或俱樂部裡的主唱或主表演者 lead singer =...
headliner = 酒吧或俱樂部裡的主唱或主表演者 lead singer = main singer = 主唱 lead performer = main performer = 主表演者 main character = lead character = leading character = protagonist = 電影中的、戲劇裡的、小說裡的、漫畫裡的主角 star of the movie = 電影中的備受矚目的人或動物
eTalking 線上英語學習
沒有芥蒂 的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
without resentment
too painful to recall my past
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It gives the illu ion that you've computed the entire answer immediately.
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