細心 的英文怎么说
- A: You gotta do this, that, and that,...
B: You are so thorough. - The work of brain surgery is delicate and intricate. The surgeon must be extremely careful while operating on the patient.
- The nurse is caring for her patients attentively.
- My grandma was knitting a sweater meticulously. She's a meticulous craftsman.
- No one is more sensitive to my needs than my mother.
- A product manager needs to be very detail-oriented so that they don't miss any details when managing projects.
- If you were perceptive you'd know that the customer is not satisfied with our service because she kept asking us who our competitors are.
- I admire our project manager's attention to detail. He plays the key role in the success of each project.
[1] thorough[2] detail-oriented[3] attentive
(very) careful[4] perceptive[5] attention to detail
(very) careful[4] perceptive[5] attention to detail
thorough 很好用,表示細心或仔細,例如:
You are so thorough. = 你真細心 = 你真仔細
detail-oriented 跟 attention to detail 很貼切的形容「細心」跟「仔細」,如以下:
A product manager needs to be very detail-oriented = 一個專案管理者需要非常細心
His attention to detail is phenomenal. I highly recommend him for a position in your law firm. = 他非常細心,我強力推薦他進入你們的律師事務所
attentive 通常指對人的細心,meticulous 通常指對事物的細心,sensitive 有好的敏感的意思,perceptive 指觀察力敏銳,很有洞察力。
You are so thorough. = 你真細心 = 你真仔細
detail-oriented 跟 attention to detail 很貼切的形容「細心」跟「仔細」,如以下:
A product manager needs to be very detail-oriented = 一個專案管理者需要非常細心
His attention to detail is phenomenal. I highly recommend him for a position in your law firm. = 他非常細心,我強力推薦他進入你們的律師事務所
attentive 通常指對人的細心,meticulous 通常指對事物的細心,sensitive 有好的敏感的意思,perceptive 指觀察力敏銳,很有洞察力。
- 細心照顧生病的人
- 細心縫毛衣
- 細心的工匠
- 他對我的細心是沒有人可以比擬的.
- 一個細心的人
- 如果你很細心你就會感覺這家主人很子雜亂, 因為他的桌子很亂.
- 我很佩服他的細心.
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
經濟紓困金的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 物是人非 f我要發問填空題
他們排擠我。 (請填空)
They exclded me.
下一題 - 財政部長