聰明反被聰明誤 的英文怎麼說
- A: I started several paper companies and have been making investors invest money in them.
B: You are too smart for your own good. If you get caught you will go to jail. - The contestant of the race had a good chance of winning the race, but he set up a trap for his opponents which hurt him in the end and caused him the race. He outsmarted himself.
[1] too smart of one's own good[2] outsmart oneself[3] arrogant; cocky
聰明反被聰明誤 = 自恃聰明,卻反而誤了自己 = 我很聰明,但我的聰明卻讓我在某些方面吃虧,也可能是小聰明卻誤了大事
You are too smart for your own good = 你很聰明,但你卻把聰明用在奸詐的地方,以遭致失敗或聲名狼藉
He outsmarted himself = 他明明就可以誠實的完成目標,卻用比較奸詐的方式,後來反而沒有達成目標
arrogant = 驕傲
You are too smart for your own good = 你很聰明,但你卻把聰明用在奸詐的地方,以遭致失敗或聲名狼藉
He outsmarted himself = 他明明就可以誠實的完成目標,卻用比較奸詐的方式,後來反而沒有達成目標
arrogant = 驕傲
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
夢靨的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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