腳踏車的變速器 的英文怎麼說
A: This bicycle is old. The shifter doesn't work anymore.
B: Why don't you get a used bike where the gear lever works? Wouldn't it be easier if you could shift gears?
B: Why don't you get a used bike where the gear lever works? Wouldn't it be easier if you could shift gears?
[1] shifter[2] gear lever[3] gears
腳踏車的變速器,通常在前方把手的位置 = shifter = gear lever
但老外常常用 gears (齒輪) 表達變速器,例如:
The gears on the bike don't work anymore.
腳踏車的換檔跟車子的換檔一樣,都叫做 shift gears。
但老外常常用 gears (齒輪) 表達變速器,例如:
The gears on the bike don't work anymore.
腳踏車的換檔跟車子的換檔一樣,都叫做 shift gears。
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
百姓的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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