臨時 的英文怎麼說
臨時的英文例句 My manager always asks me to generate the reports at short notice. We need temporary staff to work... My manager always asks me to generate the reports at short notice. We need temporary staff to work on the construction of the building because two workers died. I found a temporary job before entering graduate school. Hi Aunt May, we don't have much time, so this will only be a brief visit. We'll plan a longer visit for next week. We need an interim solution and a permanent solution to fix this production issue. Otherwise we'll lose our customer. Hundreds of patients are put in the makeshift camps outside the hospital because all of the hospital beds are taken. Something came up and I need to reschedule our date. 讀更多 臨時的相關詞 臨時的同義詞 臨時的英文翻譯 [1] at short notice; at a moment's notic...
[1] at short notice; at a moment's notice
[2] temporary
[3] brief
[4] interim
[5] makeshift
臨時的英文翻譯解釋 臨時做某事 = do something at short notice = d...
臨時做某事 = do something at short notice = do something at a moment's notice temporary 是「臨時」或「臨時性」最普遍貼切的英文,例如: temporary staff = 臨時工作人員 temporary job = 臨時工作 brief = 短暫的、簡短的,例如: a brief visit = 簡短的拜訪/臨時的拜訪 interim = 過渡時期的、暫時的,例如: an interim solution = 過渡時期的解決方案/臨時的解決方案 makeshift = (東西)臨時使用的,例如: makeshift hospital = 臨時醫院/臨時搭建的醫院 makeshift camp = 臨時搭起來的帳篷(通常非正常的帳篷材料,而是東湊西湊的東西做成的臨時性帳篷) 臨時有事 = something comes up,例如: Something came up and I need to reschedule our date.
臨時的部分中譯 我老闆老是臨時叫我做報告.
Engoo 線上英文
倒抽一口氣 的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 顧名思義
f 我要發問
這是一個連環問題: 燃燒石油導致二氧化碳增加,二氧化碳增加導致溫室效應,溫室效應導致冰層融化、海平面上升。 (請填空)
This is a chain f problems. Burning oil leads to increase in carbon dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect, which leads to melting of glaciers, which leads to rising sea levels.
下一題 - 物質享受
f 我要發問