虛榮 的英文怎麼說
- The rich girl is very vain about her hair, clothes, and accessories.
- She is vain about her looks. ...
- The rich girl is very vain about her hair, clothes, and accessories.
- She is vain about her looks. She always needs to wear the most expensive makeup and carry a name-brand handbag.
- The children, at the top of their schools, was more a show of their parents' vanity than what they actually learned.
- Many vain parents put their children in the best schools but neglect what they actually need.
- People naturally like to look nice, but it is pure vanity when they overdo it.
- You should not focus on these vain pursuits. You should focus on spiritual growth.
- I cannot stand his love for sports cars and his vanity.
- My girlfriend was so materialistic that I had to break up with her.
- It's because of my shallowness that I bought this Prada bag without any use for it.
- The movie star is extremely materialistic and only wears name brand clothes.
- A: What do you think of your blind date?
B: I find her too materialistic. I don't think she's the one for me. - It's a bit bourgeois to join a country club, isn't it?
[1] vain
[2] materialistic
[3] shallow
...[1] vain
[2] materialistic
[3] shallow
[4] high maintenance
[5] bourgeois
characterized by materialistic pursuits or concerns
首先我們必須了解虛榮心所代表的意思. 總的來說, 虛榮心就是指一個人過分重視表面...
首先我們必須了解虛榮心所代表的意思. 總的來說, 虛榮心就是指一個人過分重視表面或別人對自己的看法, 譬如說愛美是種虛榮心, 愛穿名牌也是種虛榮心, 只為了跟別的學生炫燿而希望到最好的學校也是虛榮心.
vain = 過度在乎自己的外表跟成就,也有膚淺的意思。也可形容由於父母愛面子,他們把子女送到最好的學校。
vain = too interested in one's own looks or accomplishments
She is very vain about her hair/clothes = 她很愛慕虛榮,過度重視自己的髮型/衣著
materialistic = 物慾強,愛名牌或貴重的東西,也過度在乎財富
追求物質的白話英文就是 characterized by materialistic pursuits or concerns,事實上,bourgeois 也有此意思,但比較少人知道,例如:
it's bourgeois to join a country club = 加入鄉村俱樂部有愛慕虛榮的感覺
shallow = superficial = 膚淺
high maintenance 形容一個人很挑剔,很需要照顧,需要別人注意他。
- 女生天生愛美, 但過度的話就是虛榮了.
- 我受不了他愛開跑車, 愛向朋友炫燿的...
- 女生天生愛美, 但過度的話就是虛榮了.
- 我受不了他愛開跑車, 愛向朋友炫燿的虛榮心.
- 我女友虛榮心太強, 物慾太重, 所以我就跟她分手了.
- 很多父母都有強烈的虛榮心, 希望自己的孩子到最好的學校就讀, 卻疏忽了孩子的想法.
- 我因為虛榮心而買了這個名牌包, 卻從來沒用過.
WUWOW 線上真人英文
趕工的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
traffic moves along easily
work hard to meet a deadline
下一題 - 坎坷的路
魚子醬跟燻鮭魚跟貝果很配。 (請填空)
Cavir is great with smoked salmon and bagel.
下一題 - 捨不得