襯托出來 的英文怎麼說
- Her face powder's color sets off her blonde hair.
- That snazzy black leather jacket sets him off from the others in the crowd.
- Italics set this sentence off from the rest of the text, making the readers think it's an important sentence.
- She distinguishes herself from the other girls for her superior intellect.
- His superior job experience strongly contracts with the mediocrity of the other candidates for this position.
[1] to set somebody/something off from somebody/something[2] to distinguish[3] to contrast with
to set somebody/something off from = 使某人或某物襯托出來,也就是變得比較顯眼的意思
A set off B = A使B顯得更美或更突出,例如:
Her face powder's color sets off her blonde hair. = 她臉上的粉使她的金髮更為顯著、更為漂亮
A set off B = A使B顯得更美或更突出,例如:
Her face powder's color sets off her blonde hair. = 她臉上的粉使她的金髮更為顯著、更為漂亮
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
作弊的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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今天的籃球賽是熱火隊跟雷霆對的決戰。 (請填空)
Today's basketball game is a showdwn between Heat and Thunder.
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