說話的音調 的英文怎么说
- My voice is low and flat, with almost no inflection.
- The end of a sentence that is not a question is usually marked by falling intonation. On the other hand, the end of a question is usually marked by rising intonation.
- Rising intonation means the pitch of the voice rises with time. Falling intonation means the pitch of the voice falls with time.
[1] inflection
intonation[2] pitch of the voice
intonation[2] pitch of the voice
inflection = intonation = 音調、高低音
My voice is with almost no inflection. = 我的聲音幾乎沒有高低音(也就是聽起來像機器人的沒有音調的聲音)
eg The end of a sentence that is not a question is usually marked by falling intonation. On the other hand, the end of a question is usually marked by rising intonation.
pitch of the voice = 說話的音調 = 聲音的音調,但不同於 inflection 跟 intonation,請看以下例句:
Rising intonation means the pitch of the voice rises with time. = 音調上揚的意思是說話的音調隨著時間往上升
My voice is with almost no inflection. = 我的聲音幾乎沒有高低音(也就是聽起來像機器人的沒有音調的聲音)
eg The end of a sentence that is not a question is usually marked by falling intonation. On the other hand, the end of a question is usually marked by rising intonation.
pitch of the voice = 說話的音調 = 聲音的音調,但不同於 inflection 跟 intonation,請看以下例句:
Rising intonation means the pitch of the voice rises with time. = 音調上揚的意思是說話的音調隨著時間往上升
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
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這是一個連環問題: 燃燒石油導致二氧化碳增加,二氧化碳增加導致溫室效應,溫室效應導致冰層融化、海平面上升。 (請填空)
This is a chan of problems. Burning oil leads to increase in carbon dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect, which leads to melting of glaciers, which leads to rising sea levels.
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