讓著誰一點 的英文怎麼說
- Mom: Why are you and your sister fighting?
Son: She wants to have the last dumpling, but I want it too.
Mom: You should be nice to your sister. She is younger than you.
Son: Alright, mom. Here you go, sister. - You should treat your sister nicely.
- You should please your sister.
- You should humor your sister.
- You should let your sister get her way.
[1] be nice to somebody[2] treat somebody nicely[3] please somebody[4] humor somebody[5] let somebody get their way
You should be nice to your sister.
You should treat your sister nicely.
You should please your sister.
You should humor your sister.
You should let your sister get her way.
讓著你一點 = be nice to you
讓著我一點 = be nice to me
讓著她一點 = be nice to her
讓著他們一點 = be nice to them
You should be nice to your sister.
You should treat your sister nicely.
You should please your sister.
You should humor your sister.
You should let your sister get her way.
讓著你一點 = be nice to you
讓著我一點 = be nice to me
讓著她一點 = be nice to her
讓著他們一點 = be nice to them
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
重新開始的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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你的文章的主題完全被你的華麗詞藻給模糊了。 (請填空)
The thesis of your essay is completely obscred by your flowery language.
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