超車 的英文怎么说
- You should only pass a slower vehicle if it is safe to do so.
- I am trying to pass the car in front of me.
- Policeman: There's a yellow line in the middle of the road. You can't overtake.
Driver: I am sorry. I promise it won't happen again.
Policeman: I'll give you a warning this time. Don't do it again.
Driver: You got it. - The car did a dangerous overtaking maneuver and got himself killed.
- He was passed by the car behind him and got angry.
[1] pass[2] overtake
pass 在美國最常用,overtake 在英國最常用,但有些情況比較會特定用某字,例如:
被超車 = be passed by
例句: He was passed by the car behind him.
超車的行為 = an overtaking maneuver
被超車 = be passed by
例句: He was passed by the car behind him.
超車的行為 = an overtaking maneuver
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