連假 的英文怎麼說
- A: Two holidays in a row offers a family a better chance to travel.
B: Agreed. Three holidays in a row offers an even better chance. - Next week we have three consecutive holidays from Tuesday to Thursday. What are you up to?
- For many people, the Thanksgiving long weekend is a time for resting, family gatherings and a lot of eating.
- A: What are your plans for the Thanksgiving long weekend?
B: I could use some rest. I haven't had a good rest for weeks because of work. - Next week we'll have three consecutive holidays from Tuesday through Thursday. Woo-hoo!
[1] a long weekend[2] consecutive holidays[3] X holidays in a row
a long weekend = 包含周末的連假,例如週五放假到周日或週六放假到下周二
由於連假都包括周末,long weekend 可說是連假最好的翻譯,如果你想強調是周二周三放假,就可直接用 consecutive holidays,consecutive 就是連續的意思。
two holidays in a row = 兩天連假
假如後天放假,而你明天請了事假,你可以跟朋友說 I've got two holidays in a row starting tomorrow,也就是說,只要你不用上班,都可以用 holiday 這個字。
由於連假都包括周末,long weekend 可說是連假最好的翻譯,如果你想強調是周二周三放假,就可直接用 consecutive holidays,consecutive 就是連續的意思。
two holidays in a row = 兩天連假
假如後天放假,而你明天請了事假,你可以跟朋友說 I've got two holidays in a row starting tomorrow,也就是說,只要你不用上班,都可以用 holiday 這個字。
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
家世顯赫的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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