酒駕 的英文怎么说
- Drunk driving is a real threat that lurks on the streets, putting the lives of you, me and all pedestrians in danger.
- When he was pulled over by the police for driving under the influence, he bravely took the alcohol test and passed it.
- When he was pulled over by the police for drunk driving, he bravely took the alcohol test and passed it.
- Compared to many other countries, penalties for drunk driving in Taiwan are heavy.
- The police said he was driving drunk when he hit and killed two people on the street.
[1] drunk driving[2] driving under the influence (DUI)[3] driving while intoxicated (DWI)[4] drunken driving[5] operating under the influence[6] drinking and driving
這些詞都指酒駕,drink driving 也很常用,雖然文法有些錯誤。
DUI 跟 DWI 都可以指酒駕或吸毒駕駛,但通常是指酒駕。另外,兩者的差別在不同的州有不同的規定,但一般而言,DWI 比 DUI 更嚴重。
他酒駕 = he was driving drunk. = he was drunk driving.
他酒駕被抓 = He got a DWI. = He got a DUI.
DUI 跟 DWI 都可以指酒駕或吸毒駕駛,但通常是指酒駕。另外,兩者的差別在不同的州有不同的規定,但一般而言,DWI 比 DUI 更嚴重。
他酒駕 = he was driving drunk. = he was drunk driving.
他酒駕被抓 = He got a DWI. = He got a DUI.
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
同事的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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