風雲人物 的英文怎么说
- We are the four most popular people in school. We rule.
- Being the leader of the school's basketball team, Jeremy is one of the most popular people in the school.
[1] the most popular person[2] big shot[3] VIP[4] influential person
有些人以為「風雲人物」的英文是 man of the hour,但事實上不是,例如大家慶祝 Andy 升官,Andy 一進辦公室,大家就說 Here's the man of the hour,所以 man of the hour 不等於風雲人物。
那風雲人物的標準英文是什麼呢?答案就是 popular person 跟 big shot。
big shot = 重要或影響力大的人物
the most popular person = 最受歡迎的人物
the four most popular people in school = 校園風雲人物四人幫
VIP 跟 influential person 依情況也可以,但較沒有那麼貼切。
VIP = very important person
那風雲人物的標準英文是什麼呢?答案就是 popular person 跟 big shot。
big shot = 重要或影響力大的人物
the most popular person = 最受歡迎的人物
the four most popular people in school = 校園風雲人物四人幫
VIP 跟 influential person 依情況也可以,但較沒有那麼貼切。
VIP = very important person
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
各安天命的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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這名影星愛慕虛榮,只穿名牌服飾。 (請填空)
The movie star is extremely high maintenance and only wears name bran clothes.
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