不修邊幅 的英文怎麼說
- After he lost his job, Robert started to let himself go and gained 10 pounds in a week.
- It's easy to let yourself go when you are single.
- It's easy to let yourself go when you are out with your small kids.
- He used to have a sloppy appearance. After several failed attempts to ask a girl out, he finally learned his lesson and cleaned up his appearance.
- The artist has a bohemian appearance and spends all his time painting.
[1] let oneself go
let yourself go[2] not care how one looks[3] sloppy appearance[4] untidy appearance[5] a bohemian appearance
let yourself go[2] not care how one looks[3] sloppy appearance[4] untidy appearance[5] a bohemian appearance
let yourself go = 不修邊幅,例如一個母親跟她的小孩出門,通常都會不修邊幅,也有不在乎外表或身材而開始飲食不控制的意思,如例句
let yourself go 是正統的美國成語。
sloppy 很貼切,untidy 指不大整潔的外表,bohemian 是藝術家氣質的外表,也可說不修邊幅,並不會不整潔。
let yourself go 是正統的美國成語。
sloppy 很貼切,untidy 指不大整潔的外表,bohemian 是藝術家氣質的外表,也可說不修邊幅,並不會不整潔。
他之前往往不修邊幅, 後來經過多次跟女生約會失敗後總算學到教訓, 開始整理自己的儀容了
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