[1] poser; phony; fake
[2] pretense; pretentious
[3] prude
[4] dramatics
[5] affected; insincere
[6] theatrical
[7] forced
[8] arty-farty
poser = 試著要做不是自己的人,或加入一個自己不屬於的團體,例如例句所說的這個男生不喜歡跳舞卻加入舞蹈社,是個做作的人
phony 指裡外不一的人,通常指為了討好別人而假裝很客氣的人,如:
My friends are a bunch of phonies.
She pretends to care about her students when she has ulterior motives. She's such a phony.
phony 跟 fake 都指假象,fake 很好用,如:
He is such a fake. He pretends to be my friend but he just wants to use me.
fake 也可當形容詞使用,例如:
She is a fake. She is just trying to be popular in school.
pretense 指不誠懇或假的行為,例如一個人假裝說出虔誠的話,pretentious 形容不誠懇或自以為自己很重要的樣子, 或一副自己很了不起的樣子,希望別人崇拜他,pretentious 可說是「做作」最適合的字之一。
prudish 形容一個人的行為、舉止、說話、穿著等過於謙虛或合適,以造成做作的印象。
dramatics 形容一個人流露很多感情卻不真誠的感覺,例如在一個喪禮哭得很傷心,卻讓人覺得不自然或強迫自己哭的感覺,如:
His relatives are tired of his phony dramatics at the funeral.
insincere 指不誠懇,很普遍,可用在所有不真誠的事物。affected 指不自然的、假裝的,如:
an affected British accent
theatrical 跟 histrionics 指如戲劇般一樣誇張的表情變化,卻不誠心。forced 指彷彿被強迫而做的事情。
arty-farty = 一個人炫耀藝術的知識希望別人崇拜他的藝術素養,你就可以說他 arty-farty