幸福 的英文怎麼說
幸福的英文例句 Person giving toast : I wish you many more years of wedded bliss to come. Here's to Joe and Jennif... Person giving toast : I wish you many more years of wedded bliss to come. Here's to Joe and Jennifer! (raising glasses)Domestic bliss is what everyone strives to have but only a few end up having. Happiness is not about having money - it's about doing what you love and having loved ones around you. Don't shed tears. Smile so that you can find happiness again. Husband : I am so blessed to have you in my life.Wife : You too. I love you with all my heart.I am the happiest person in the world. Many people are blessed without knowing it. They have food to eat, they have clothes to wear, and they have a place to live. People doing meditation may feel an increased feeling of well-being. I care about your well-being very much. Many people who have found happiness end up losing it over something stupid like extramarital affairs and money. 讀更多 幸福的相關詞 幸福的英文翻譯 [1] (adjective) blessed happy lucky...
(adjective) blessed
(noun) bliss
(true) happiness
幸福的英文翻譯解釋 「幸福」最貼切的英文之一是 blessed, 例如: I am so bless...
「幸福」最貼切的英文之一是 blessed, 例如: I am so blessed to have you in my life. = 有你在我的生命裡,我真幸福。 另外一個貼切的字是 happiness,也就是快樂,例如: Happiness is not about having money - it's about doing what you love. 你也可以說 true happiness 來強調真正的幸福或真正的快樂。 另外,bliss 也是「幸福」很貼切的英文,bliss = perfect happiness = 極樂 = 真摯的幸福,例如: wedded bliss = 婚姻幸福 domestic bliss = 家庭幸福 再來,lucky 跟 fortunate 指運氣好,有時也能貼切的指「幸福」,例如: I am so lucky to have you in my life. = 有你在我生命中我很幸福 = 有你在我生命中我真幸運 而 well-being 指一個人的身心健康又開心的狀態,常常可以作「幸福」的名詞,例如: an increased feeling of well-being = 內心的幸福感增加 I care about your well-being. = 我在乎你的幸福。
幸福的部分中譯 我是全世界最幸福的人. 大部分的人都在福中不知福. 我很在乎妳的幸福.
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