主張 的英文怎么说
- The environmentalist advocates the importance of environmental awareness.
- They advocate the return of capital punishment to reduce cases of murder.
- She advocates buying instead of renting a house.
- He supports the freedom of speech.
- The factory claims that it is not responsible for the air pollution.
- My friend claims to have met the President in person, but I don't buy it.
- Feed Hungry Inc. claim to be the biggest company in the world.
- Some terrorist has claimed responsibility for this morning's bomb attack.
[1] advocate[2] support[3] claim
advocate 通常用在主張提倡某個想法的重要, 而 support 通常用在支持某個想法, 也能指心理或錢財上的支持, 如例句.
He supports the freedom of speech. = 他主張輿論自由
advocate = 主張/提倡/支持某個想法
claim = 主張/斷言/宣稱/聲稱某個聲明是正確的,有很多種用法,請參考例句
He supports the freedom of speech. = 他主張輿論自由
advocate = 主張/提倡/支持某個想法
claim = 主張/斷言/宣稱/聲稱某個聲明是正確的,有很多種用法,請參考例句
倡導環保的重要 提倡輿論自由
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
喔對了的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 付出代價 f我要發問填空題
在台灣,役男如果有正當理由無法當兵,就可選擇服替代役。 (請填空)
In Taiwan, a male adult may request the alternative military sevice if he cannot do the mandatory military service for a valid reason.
下一題 - 卑鄙無恥之徒