二手煙 的英文怎么说
- The exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke is very detrimental to health. One should do everything to avoid it.
- A: Whenever I see someone smoking on the street I feel like shoving poisonous gas down their throat. Isn't that what they are doing to us?
B: Exactly. I feel the same way.
[1] second-hand smoke[2] second-hand tobacco smoke[3] second-hand cigarette smoke
二手煙 = second-hand smoke = second-hand tobacco smoke = second-hand cigarette smoke
second-hand tobacco smoke 是最完整的英文,很明確的指菸草,但 second-hand smoke 也行,因為大家都懂是指二手煙。
second-hand smoke 也可用在其他的物質,例如:
二手大麻煙 = second hand marijuana smoke = second hand weed smoke
second-hand tobacco smoke 是最完整的英文,很明確的指菸草,但 second-hand smoke 也行,因為大家都懂是指二手煙。
second-hand smoke 也可用在其他的物質,例如:
二手大麻煙 = second hand marijuana smoke = second hand weed smoke
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
遮陽的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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