代理 的英文怎麼說
- A: What happens when the president is somehow incapacitated?
B: The vice president becomes the ...
- A: What happens when the president is somehow incapacitated?
B: The vice president becomes the acting president. - A: Please complete sign this form.
B: Can I nominate someone as a substitute to do it for me? I am abroad now. - When someone is away, their immediate manager automatically becomes their substitute to sign the company workflows on their behalf.
- I'm acting as deputy while the department head is away.
- A: Where is Mandy today?
B: She is on menstrual leave. I am her proxy today. How can I help you? - During my manager's vacation, I was his deputy and I helped to take care of his work.
- My manager is going to appoint a substitute while I'm on furlough to handle my health condition.
- Our teacher is sick today, so we are having a substitute teacher.
- My classmate is voting for me by proxy in the student body elections.
- I'd like you to meet Ken Liu, my deputy. When I am away please contact him directly.
- I'm a VP and I am acting as deputy while the president is absent.
- Each group elects one delegate to attend the annual union conference to vote and speak for the group.
- Our agent will ship the merchandise to you. They are reliable.
- My best-selling books need a good agent. Otherwise they won't sell well.
- Please contact our agent in Taipei, Taiwan for further information. Here's her contact information.
- The receptionist is not here today; can you cover for her?
[1] acting
[2] substitute
[3] proxy
...[1] acting
[2] substitute
[3] proxy
[4] deputy
[5] delegate
[6] agent; agency
[7] cover for
acting president = 代理總統,以下的例句能看出 vice 與 ...
acting president = 代理總統,以下的例句能看出 vice 與 acting 的差別:
The vice president becomes the acting president = 副總統會成為代理總統
substitute = 最廣義的代理人的英文,幾乎可用在任何情況
代課老師 = substitute teacher
proxy = 也是廣義的代理人的英文,也有 agent 的意思
deputy = (公司或公家機關)組織的副手(例如副理、副處長),也有代理人的意思
delegate = (尤指政治或公會)會議上的投票代理人或發言代表人
agent = 幫你做事情的代理人(你付他錢),例如幫你運貨、賣書、買房子、簽約,而公司組織的員工的代理人就不能用 agent
agent 跟 agency 意思一樣,後者常指一家企業。
公司組織的員工的代理人 = substitute/proxy/deputy
WUWOW 線上真人英文
水準的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
clap (one's hands)
下一題 - 時間就是金錢
我想找到一個不愛物質享受的妻子 (請填空)
I would like to find a wife who is not materialitic.
下一題 - 宣誓就職