作月老 的英文怎麼說
- A: Let's make a deal.
B: What kind of deal?
A: If either of us ever got a girlfriend, we'd have her fix the other one up with one of her friends.
B: I don't think it's the right thing to do. I'll pass. - When his mother passed away, he decided to play matchmaker for his father and set him up with his friend's single mom.
- Can you set me up on a date with her? She seems like a nice girl.
- Your mom is playing cupid for you and your girlfriend because she really likes this girl.
[1] fix A up with B[2] play matchmaker for A[3] set A up with B (on a date)[4] to play cupid[5] to try to make A and B fall in love
to play cupid = 指某人想要像愛神邱比特一樣讓某兩人相愛,撮合他們
to try to make A and B fall in love 為白話說法。
to play cupid = 指某人想要像愛神邱比特一樣讓某兩人相愛,撮合他們
to try to make A and B fall in love 為白話說法。
- 替他的單親媽媽撮合.
- 撮合不等於湊合 應該和紅娘/月老/牽線/媒人
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
印象的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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An aborigine, as the name sugests, refers to one of the original or earliest known inhabitants of a country or region.
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