副班長 的英文怎麼說
- The class vice president needs to assist the class president to arrange, plan, and execute class activities.
- In a school in the U.S. each class is a unit of the student body. Each class is led by its class president and represented by its class leadership. The class leadership consists of the following class officers: a class president, a class vice president, a class secretary, an class event organizer, a class treasurer, and so on.
[1] class vice president[2] assistant classroom leader
美國的學校的 class 是指一整個年級的所有班級,例如 class of 2020 指所有 2020 年的畢業生,跟台灣的學校的結構不同。
class vice president = 一整個年級的副班長
台灣的一個小班級(例如30個人)的副班長 = assistant classroom leader
由於人數少,用 leader 比 president 更貼切。
class vice president = 一整個年級的副班長
台灣的一個小班級(例如30個人)的副班長 = assistant classroom leader
由於人數少,用 leader 比 president 更貼切。
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