吃虧 的英文怎么说
- A: Why am I being shortchanged when buying foreign currency at the airport?
B: The airport charges a higher service fee than the bank. So you should buy foreign currency at a bank instead. - A: You need to pay $10.
B: Every one else pays $8. Why do I need to pay $10? Are you ripping me off? or Am I being shortchanged? or Am I getting gypped? or Am I being taken advantage of? or Am I getting ripped off? - Andy and Ben is running a business together. Andy is in charge of the finances, and he treats Ben unfairly and pays him less than the promised amount when they make a profit. Ben ends up suffering a loss and he presses charges against Andy.
[1] be ripped off[2] be shortchanged[3] get gypped or gipped[4] be taken advantage of[5] be treated unfairly[6] suffer a loss
你在占我便宜嗎? = 我吃虧了嗎? = Am I getting ripped off? = Am I being taken advantage of? = Am I being shortchanged? = Are you ripping me off? = Am I getting gypped?
gyp = gip
gyp = gip
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
不出所料的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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他的房子內的香味讓人聯想到新鮮的花朵。 (請填空)
The fragrance in his house is reiniscent of fresh flowers.
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