徵婚啟事 的英文怎麼說
A: I just saw an ad for finding a wife on Facebook. It was hilarious.
B: Why?
A: Because I've never seen anything like that before on Facebook.
B: Why?
A: Because I've never seen anything like that before on Facebook.
[1] an ad for finding a spouse/wife/husband[2] an advertisement for finding a spouse/wife/husband[3] a post for finding a spouse/wife/husband[4] a message for finding a spouse/wife/husband
徵婚啟事 = an ad for finding a spouse/wife/husband
ad 跟 advertisement 都指廣告,如果此徵婚啟事不是廣告而是某個社交平台上的 PO 文,就可以用 post 或 message 代替。
有些人以為徵婚啟事的英文是 personal ad (advertisement),但此英文比較像是為了找到男女朋友而發表的短文,而不是為了「徵婚」而公佈的短文。
ad 跟 advertisement 都指廣告,如果此徵婚啟事不是廣告而是某個社交平台上的 PO 文,就可以用 post 或 message 代替。
有些人以為徵婚啟事的英文是 personal ad (advertisement),但此英文比較像是為了找到男女朋友而發表的短文,而不是為了「徵婚」而公佈的短文。
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
感恩的心的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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