擺爛 的英文怎么说
- Whenever I assign a task to my subordinate he never gets it done. He always has an excuse for missing a deadline.
- CEO: During my absence every department's head must take charge and see to it that things get done. If any of you slack off, heads will roll.
Everyone: Understood. - Boss: I didn't pay you to loaf. Do some work!
- Dad: Son, stop loafing around and do something worthwhile. You are getting old!
[1] never get something done[2] slack off[3] loaf (around)
slack off 就是偷懶的意思。很多時候白話翻出就好,像例句就有用 Never get things done 或 Has an excuse for missing a deadline.
Loaf around 就是閒晃,不做事情,有時擺爛就是這種意思。
順道一提,heads will roll 就是 "有人就要倒大楣了" 的意思。
Loaf around 就是閒晃,不做事情,有時擺爛就是這種意思。
順道一提,heads will roll 就是 "有人就要倒大楣了" 的意思。
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賺人眼淚的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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In contrast to the rugged impression of denim, the carefully selected flannel fabric features a delicate, soft texture. Flannel brings out a city woma's delicate taste in clothes.
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