整型 的英文怎麼說
- Many victims of the fire need to have plastic surgery to treat their burns so that they can build up their confidence and get back to their normal lives.
- A: I am going to get a nose job because my boyfriend thinks my nose looks bad.
B: If you have cosmetic surgery because of what someone else thinks, you are letting your self-worth be governed by someone else.
A: You are right. I should think twice about it.
B: Your boyfriend should like you because of your inner beauty, not your outer beauty.
[1] plastic surgery[2] cosmetic surgery
plastic surgery = 泛指任何整型的手術,包括為了美觀跟為了重建人體功能的手術,例如一個人的手被火嚴重灼傷,需要手部的整型手術,也在此英文的範圍內
cosmetic surgery = 為了美觀而動的手術,身體任何一個部位都算,包括隆乳、豐唇、割雙眼皮、打肉毒桿菌、讓鼻子更挺等等,也就是俗稱的醫美手術
cosmetic surgery = 為了美觀而動的手術,身體任何一個部位都算,包括隆乳、豐唇、割雙眼皮、打肉毒桿菌、讓鼻子更挺等等,也就是俗稱的醫美手術
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
泡澡的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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有別於牛仔布給人粗曠的刻板印象,嚴選手感細緻柔軟的法蘭絨,帶出都會女性柔美的穿著品味。 (請填空)
In contrast to the rugged impression of denim, the carefully selected flannel fabric features a deliate, soft texture. Flannel brings out a city woman's delicate taste in clothes.
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